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Spring 2024

Explore Spanish

In this course, students begin to explore the basics of communicating by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the target language. In addition, they will be discovering the culture, food, and music of Hispanic countries.

(1/2 Year)

Sign in to your Google Class to follow the Agenda, assignments, and links.

Notebook and Pencil

Monthly Spanish Explorations


Learning the basics like numbers, dates, greetings, weather, and time.

Explore all through short stories and fun cultural events.


Learning activities that you like to do after school. Compare and talk about it with friends in class.



Learning about other cultures by traveling to some of the Latin American Countries to discover all about their food, music, and customs.

Meat and Cheese


Learning daily chores, the house, and family members.

Discover some fun Holidays in some of the Latin American countries.

Dining Room and Kitchen Interior


Learning how to move around the city, places to go, and things to do. Discover some of the most amazing places in Latin America.

Hot Air Balloons
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